CNR is the largest public research institution in Italy. It participates in the project with the Institute of Marine Sciences (ISMAR). ISMAR has world-class research capacities in polar, oceanic and Mediterranean regions, focusing on the evolution of oceans and their continental margins; influence of climate change, acidification, bio-geochemical cycles and marine productivity; submarine habitats and ecology, and the increasing pollution of coastal and deep-sea environments; the natural and anthropogenic factors impacting economically and socially on coastal systems from pre-history to the industrial times. Objectives are achieved through data collection and analysis in the field and in the laboratory as well as through remote sensing, modelling, program co-ordination, policy advice and capacity building. The ISMAR branch of Lerici has a consolidated expertise on the physical oceanography of the Mediterranean Sea as well as polar regions, and is a world reference laboratory for Marine Litter studies working on the issue of plastic pollution since the early 2000s.
Contact person for CNR: Stefano Aliani