Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale
National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics
OGS is a public research institution sponsored by the Ministry of High Education and Research (MIUR). OGS activities are carried out by the scientific research divisions of Oceanography (OCE), Geophysics (GEO), Seismology (CRS) and by the technological research section of Infrastructure (IRI).The division of Oceanography hosts the National Oceanographic Data Centre for Italy within the IODE system of the UNESCO IOC, active in storing, qualifying and disseminating historical data sets.
OGS is involved in task 3.4 of Work Package 3: Synchronisation of European procedures on a global level and alignment with existing approaches and databases (EEA - Marine Litter Watch, EMODnet, NOAA etc.) The main goal of this task will be to integrate the results from Work Package 1 and Work Package 2 with the main international and global procedures. The experience gained with the management of data related to beach macrolitter, seafloor macrolitter and floating microlitter at European level, and the outcomes from OceanObs 19 conference will be the basis to achieve this important step.
OGS is actively collaborating with Work Package 5 and Work Package 6 respectively for the communication tasks related to the project activities and collaborating with the coordination team for the Data Management Plan.
Contact persons for OGS: