SALT is a SME delivering research, consultancy and outreach within the fields of marine management, marine litter and coastal industries and societies.
SALT leads WP5 on knowledge transfer and dissemination in which SALT will oversee the activities envisaged for targeted communication, dissemination and exploitation of project results by key actors. SALT will, in addition, lead the organization of a workshop devoted to the discussion of idoneous sampling strategies suited for monitoring in different environmental compartments making use of the harmonized methods identified through WP1, WP2 and WP3. In this WP SALT will also coordinate collaboration with other ongoing activities within the EU. SALT is also a key partner in WP1 devoted to the screening and analysis of methods used for the assessment of plastics in the environment where SALT experts will contribute centrally to the identification of methods for the assessment and monitoring of macroplastics along the coastline.
SALT has been responsible for the public outreach of large research projects including EU-projects and has extensive experience in arranging seminars and conferences, producing outreach-material like videos, texts, presentations, podcasts and science shows. For the last five years SALT done research on marine litter. Our focus area is to understand sources and causes of marine macro litter and distribution of litter. We have developed beach litter protocols aimed at quantifying beach litter and understand causes of marine littering. SALT has a staff of 24 researchers and consultants distributed over 7 offices with the head-office in the Lofoten islands, Northern Norway.
Contact person for SALT: Joan Fabres